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PLC 2019: Interview with James Baxter

James Baxter, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Exodus 90

James has served as the Executive Director of Exodus 90 since 2015. He attended St. John Vianney Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota and St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Indiana before discerning God was calling him to marriage and secular life. In 2015, supported by his Board, James assumed responsibility for scaling Exodus 90 from a seminary formation program into a spiritual exercise for the renewal of the Church. James presented at the 2019 Petrus Leadership Conference, which took place in Oklahoma City on June 23-26. This is the audio recording of his presentation.

For more information about Exodus 90 or to connect with James, visit or email him at [email protected]

Giving to religious causes vastly exceeds any other category in the nonprofit sector, but faith-based organizations often struggle the most with fundraising effectively. Join Andrew Robison, President of Petrus Development, as he explores this topic through honest and revealing conversations with church leaders, executive directors and development professionals from the nonprofit community.


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