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Get More Out of Your Giving Day

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Days of giving can be a boon for your fundraising efforts, but they can also be a big waste of time without the correct approach.


A well-executed giving day begins long before the day itself. It actually culminates with that day of giving.



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Success Strategies for an Online Giving Day

 By Mary Hernandez, Petrus Blog Contributor


Online giving days have been growing in popularity and reached compulsory status since the pandemic forced non-profits out of the rhythm of traditional in-person fundraising events. Whether you will participate in #GivingTuesday, her...

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Giving USA Report 2021

By Mary P. Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor & Local Charity Board Member

Latest Information on Giving Trends

Giving USA 2021: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2020 was released in June.  This report on the state of philanthropy is LONG and comprehensive, so I picked a few...

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Covid Solutions: Monthly Giving - Interview with Megan O'Brien Crayne

In this episode, Andrew visits with Megan O'Brien Crayne, Campus Minister at Brown-RISD Catholic Community. In this episode of the "COVID Solutions" series, Andrew and Megan talk about monthly giving and how Megan was able to launch a new donor-matched program for young alumni. They discuss...

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Virtual Summit Week 3 Recap

by Andrew N. Robison, President of Petrus Development

What an amazing three weeks!

On April 3, we wrapped up the COVID-19 Fundraising Virtual Summit by Petrus. Over the course of the Summit, we held 14 days of discussions, shared countless stories, hosted industry leading experts and received...

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#iGiveCatholic: Interview with Julie Kenny

In this episode, Andrew visits with Julie Kenny. Julie is the National Program Director for iGiveCatholic. Julie explains the origins of iGiveCatholic, why it exists, it's partnership with #GivingTuesday, and what it is designed to do for Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools, and ministries....

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Four Proven Steps To Achieving A Giving Day β€œWin”

By Julie Kenny, National Program Director for iGiveCatholic

Participation in a giving day by nonprofit organizations is becoming more popular with every passing #GivingTuesday. I like to think of giving days as the evolution of telethons! Thinking back to the Jerry Lewis telethon every Labor...

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Lessons From Online Consumer Behavior: Interview with Chris Hanzeli

In this episode Andrew visits with Chris Hanzeli about two of his different roles in development and his masters research. Executive Director of Institutional Advancement for the Western Dominican Province, Chris Hanzeli has a Masters of Philanthropy and Development through St. Mary’s...

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Selling the Sizzle: Interview with Frank Shannon

Frank Shannon, Executive Director of Development at St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M University 

In this episode, Andrew visits with Frank Shannon, Executive Director of Development at St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M University. Frank and Andrew covered a...

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10 Strategies to Capture and Re-engage Alumni

By Andrew Robison, President of Petrus Development

Ministries and nonprofit organizations are always trying to grow their database of donors. For organizations who have students or program participants, alumni will typically be the largest and most connected segment of their donor population....

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A Year-End Fundraising Checklist

By Mark Randall, CFRE, Executive Director of Pontifical North American College (Rome)

As we approach the end of the calendar year, development teams are in full swing. With estimates of 30% of all annual giving taking place in December (and 12% in the last three days of the year!), we have...

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