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Since 2005...

Petrus Development was founded to help Catholic ministries build sustainable development programs.

Since then, we have worked with over 150 Catholic ministries and raised over $500M for campus ministries, high schools, universities, pro-life causes and more.

While other firms may have a singular focus, Petrus works with ministries to help them grow regardless of where they are today. Whether that's launching a development program from scratch, building a major gift program, conducting a Feasibility Study or planning and implementing a capital campaign, we can help.

We are driven by a simple ideal...MINISTRIES WITH MORE MONEY CAN ACCOMPLISH MORE. If your ministry needs help launching or growing your fundraising efforts, we should talk. The Church needs you to do more.

We all serve a generous and loving God. He wants us to have the best, but he often asks us to take the first step.

Will you take that step with us today?


What Makes Petrus Unique?


The Petrus Development Team

Interested in Joining the Petrus Team?

If you are passionate about faith, fundraising and forming excellent development professionals, Petrus would love to talk to you.


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