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The Top 5 Most-Listened-to Episodes of The Petrus Development Show in 2024

Let’s face it—2024 was a big year for The Petrus Development Show! Whether you’re a seasoned fundraiser or just here for the inspiration, these episodes struck a chord with listeners everywhere. So, grab your favorite coffee (or eggnog if that’s your thing), and...

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Strategic, Smart, and Bold - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Capital Campaign Preparations

Here we go again!  Andrew and Rhen join together for another nuts and bolts show on capital campaigns.  Several months ago, the pair hosted an episode with details about the campaign itself.  In today's episode, however, they discuss what needs to happen BEFORE you can even get to...

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If You Build It, They Will Come - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Capital Campaigns

Welcome back to the Petrus Development Show as we continue our Q+A series with Petrus president, Andrew Robison.  Listen as Andrew and Rhen chat about all things capital campaigns.  This is an episode about campaign logistics, but it's also a message of encouragement for...

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6 Steps to Get Ready for a Capital Campaign (Part 2)

By Rhen Hoehn, Petrus Director of Marketing

Welcome back!  In part one of this two-part series, we discussed three steps that must be taken to position an organization for undertaking a capital campaign.   In this article, we look at three more steps to kick off the process...

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6 Steps to Get Ready for a Capital Campaign (Part 1)

By Rhen Hoehn, Petrus Director of Marketing


A capital campaign is a targeted fundraising project meant to raise significant dollars in a relatively short period of time. 


Campaigns can be used to fund needed projects such as building repairs, or they can fund the...

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What Development Means to Me by Josh Whelan

By Josh Whelan, Petrus Vice President and Senior Consultant 

In 2000, I went to the University of Mississippi with the career goal of either becoming a psychologist or a lawyer.


My father is a psychologist, and like him, I want to help people. He is a person I greatly admire, and I...

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Game Plan to Success in Fundraising

 By Mary P. Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor & Local Charity Board Member

There is no guarantee that a particular football team will win a particular game. Also, there is no guarantee that a fundraising team will reach its goal. However both are more likely if they study, train, and...

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Capital Campaigns - Interview with Matt Bond

In this episode, Josh Whelan, Petrus Vice President, visits with Matt Bond, Director of Development at St. John's Catholic Student Center at Oklahoma State University. They discuss the current Capital Campaign that is taking place at St. John's Catholic Center. They will discuss the $25 million...

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