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It's All About Expectations - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Fundraiser Metrics

Andrew Robison, Petrus president, and Rhen Hoehn, Petrus's director of marketing, are together again on this week's episode of the Petrus Development Show!  They spend their time discussing how to set development staff expectations for a new fiscal year.  It's another...

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Nonprofit Executive Directors Should Join the Fundraising Adventure

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing


Running a nonprofit is like steering a ship through uncharted waters. As the executive director, you’re the captain, guiding the crew. Amid the waves of daily tasks, one crucial element stands out: fundraising. 


You might be tempted...

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Consistent and Sustainable - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Budgeting

Andrew Robison, Petrus president, is back on this week's episode of the Petrus Development Show!  Andrew and Rhen spend their time together discussing the all-important topic of budgeting.  While budgeting may not seem like a terribly exciting interview topic, Andrew and Rhen...

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How to Forecast Development Income for the Next Fiscal Year

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Inflow must be greater than outflow.


When it comes to setting a budget, this fact is obvious.


When preparing the budget for a nonprofit organization, though, many fundraisers find that the process seems to happen backwards.



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6 Common Types of Planned Gifts: Making a Lasting Impact

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing


Planned giving is a powerful way for donors to support causes they care about while also leaving a legacy that lasts beyond their lifetime. 


Nonprofit organizations rely on thoughtful contributions like these to continue their vital work...

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Filling Your Development Toolbox - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Fundraising Events

It's time for another change!  We continue our Petrus Development Show Q+A series on important development topics, but this week's episode features a new voice from the Petrus family.  Join us as Rhen interviews Matt Bond, Petrus consultant and executive director of the Santa Fe...

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Unlocking Success: Staffing Considerations for Your Catholic Nonprofit's Capital Campaign

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing


As you explore the possibility of embarking on a transformative capital campaign for your nonprofit, one of the most critical factors for success is strategic staffing. 


With the right team in place, you can navigate the complexities of...

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Simple But Not Easy - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Building a Fundraising Program

In this week's episode of the Petrus Development Show, we continue our Q+A series with Petrus president, Andrew Robison.  Listen as Andrew and Rhen outline the intial steps for beginning a fundraising program.  Yes, we know this is a very quick primer - it's 30 minutes on the best...

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Unveiling the Blueprint: Crafting a Self-Sustaining Fundraising Program in 2024

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Catholic nonprofits are quickly realizing that the future of their ministry relies on building a self-sustaining fundraising program.


In a time of shrinking Catholic demographics, relying on your budget to come from an organization like your diocese...

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Do I Really Need to Meet Donors Face-to-Face to Raise Money?

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

I'm often asked, “Why would I spend time and money to go meet donors for coffee when I can just send them an email or letter?”


Or, “Wouldn’t it be easier and cheaper to put a little time into grant writing, rather than meeting...

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Stronger Together - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Personality Assessments

Welcome back to the Petrus Development Show!  We continue our Q+A series with Petrus president, Andrew Robison, and this week's discussion is about personality strengths and weaknesses and how those traits affect your fundraising.    



Show Notes: ...

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Storytelling, Latino Catholics, and Donor Visits (A RAISE23 Recap)

This week (November 29th through December 1st), Petrus Development is offering an amazing sale on registration fees for RAISE24.  Register by Friday, December 1st, and receive 15 percent off the super early bird price of $899, bringing the registration fee down to $765.  (Click here to...

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