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It's All About Expectations - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Fundraiser Metrics

Andrew Robison, Petrus president, and Rhen Hoehn, Petrus's director of marketing, are together again on this week's episode of the Petrus Development Show!  They spend their time discussing how to set development staff expectations for a new fiscal year.  It's another...

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How to Forecast Development Income for the Next Fiscal Year

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Inflow must be greater than outflow.


When it comes to setting a budget, this fact is obvious.


When preparing the budget for a nonprofit organization, though, many fundraisers find that the process seems to happen backwards.



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Donor Databases 101 - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Donor Databases

While we start this episode with a joke, donor databases are a very serious matter.  As you'll learn in this Q+A with Petrus president, Andrew Robison, choosing the right donor database can make a world of difference in your fundraising capabilities.  

(A laugh for your day: ...

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Donor Databases: Can You Ever Make A Change?

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Every so often, it becomes necessary for a nonprofit to abandon their existing donor database system and move to a new one. 


The existing system may be too complicated for staff to use, or perhaps it's not sophisticated enough to keep up with the...

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Fundraising As Both Science and Art

By Chris Scroggin, Petrus Consultant

Have you ever wondered what art and science have in common? 

Art draws on emotions.

Science uses rational thought.

But, science and art both demand creativity and excellent observational skills

Most techniques used by artists even have...

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The Need for a Database

By Chris Scroggin, Petrus Consultant

One of the non-profits I worked for didn’t have a database; they had an Excel spreadsheet for their donor information. It wasn’t very organized, and I had no idea how accurate it was. 


There was information everywhere - on...

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6 Steps to Get Ready for a Capital Campaign (Part 1)

By Rhen Hoehn, Petrus Director of Marketing


A capital campaign is a targeted fundraising project meant to raise significant dollars in a relatively short period of time. 


Campaigns can be used to fund needed projects such as building repairs, or they can fund the...

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Faith & Fundraising: Lessons from Philanthropic Psychology - A Talk by Dr. Adrian Sargeant

In this episode, we feature Dr. Adrian Sargeant, co-director of the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy, as he gives his keynote address at the Petrus Development Conference in June.  Dr. Sargeant shares his research about donor motivation and identity, and he discusses how we, as...

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New Year! New Info to Help You Grow Your Team!

By Mary Hernandez, Petrus Blog Contributor

The newest release of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) annual Compensation and Benefits Study is timed perfectly for organizations creating a strategic plan to start or grow their development team in the new year. We've limited the...

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Let’s Get Excited about RMDs!

By Mary P. Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor & Local Charity Board Member

Let’s Get Excited about RMDs!

This may be the most boring blog post you’ll read this week, but slogging through it could bring a lot of money to your ministry!

2021 is shaping up to be a CRAZY tax year. Many...

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Women in Philanthropy Episode 5 with Sandy Guzmán

Hosted by Tara Doyon, Director of Client Services and Sarah Rose, Director of Communications.

In this episode Tara and Sarah are joined by Sandy Guzmán, Senior Accounting Specialist at Four Leaf Financial and Accounting. They discuss the importance of finances in leadership. As...

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Giving USA Report 2021

By Mary P. Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor & Local Charity Board Member

Latest Information on Giving Trends

Giving USA 2021: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2020 was released in June.  This report on the state of philanthropy is LONG and comprehensive, so I picked a few...

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