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Required Minimum Distributions: A Case Study with a REAL Person

By Mary Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor

Cecilia (not her real name, but everything else is true) is an energized Catholic. She aims to
attend daily Mass and give her time, talent, and treasure to help others. She owns and maintains
her own home, and her son is “launched,” earning his...

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RMDs: The Sleeping Giant of Fundraising

By Mary P. Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor

I love the TV show The Profit. Marcus Lemonis, a serial entrepreneur, invests in struggling businesses and offers advice on how to turn things around. Often even small adjustments in managing people, capital, or processes yield amazing results.


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4 Steps to Getting Starting with Planned Giving at Your Nonprofit

By David Pederson, Director of Development, Catholic Community Foundation for the Diocese of Phoenix

Many times in a smaller organization we think a planned giving program is saved only for large universities and hospital systems with what seems like limitless financial and staffing resources.

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