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Just One Per Day: The Art of Gratitude

Showing Gratitude for Donors

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Have you ever had a donor call and thank you for thanking them so well?


Believe it or not, it does happen. It should be your goal to earn one of those calls this year.


Here is one simple, often-overlooked way to make it happen.


Just One Per Day

There are about 250 business days in a calendar year. 


As you plan out your year to come, consider buying 250 blank “Thank You” cards with a goal of sending the last one out by the end of the year.


You may spend a little more and custom order cards with your organization’s logo and name, or you may opt to buy some less-expensive thank you cards in bulk. Either is fine.


Look for a reason to send out at least one thank you card per work day. Reasons might include thanking:

  • A recent donor
  • A donor who increased their monthly gift amount
  • A donor on the anniversary of their first gift
  • A prospect who took time to meet you face-to-face
  • A volunteer who went above and beyond
  • A connection who made an introduction to a new prospect


The possibilities are endless. 


The message you write in the card can be simple, often just two or three sentences stating what you are grateful for and why.


Creating a goal of sending 250 thank you cards per year will encourage you to keep an eye out for reasons to be grateful, and to show that gratitude to your supporters.


Gratitude Across the Organization

Donors love receiving a personal touch from your organization. Encourage others to participate in hand-writing thank you cards to supporters.


When they do, you will start to hear about it. 


Supporters will express their shock that the executive director of your relief organization took the time to write them a thank you note. 


Or, that a board member of your foundation did the same.

Or, that a student at your school drew a picture as a thank you.


Saying “thank you” is a simple thing, but we can overcomplicate it. Challenge yourself to send more thank you cards to supporters, and encourage others in your organization to join in.


Beyond the Thank You Letter

Another terrific way to show your gratitude is with a thank you call, and Petrus is here to help you make great thank you calls.  Click below to download Petrus Development’s thank you call information and sample script.

 Access the free PDF here >>



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