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Petrus Development Conference Testimonial

 By Emily Ferril | Director of Development, Camp Wojtyla 


What’s in a conference? Working for a non-profit/mission-oriented organization, every dollar spent must be carefully thought about its potential ROI. Afterall, we must be good stewards of the resources our benefactors so generously share with our organizations to further advance our missions. 


The Petrus Development Conference is an experience that continues to bear fruit for me personally, professionally, and spiritually. As a first-time attendee of their live conference after tuning into their podcasts, webinars, blog posts, and virtual conference in 2020, it was well worth the wait to attend in person and reignite the encouragement and clarity in direction in the fundraising efforts at my organization. Whether you’re just starting out in the non-profit development field, or you’re a seasoned professional, or you’re in a parish or university setting, you’ll find the variety of discussions and topics applicable to your organization. 


Having worked in development for almost 10 years now, I realized fundraising is not a one-size fits all situation. This sentiment held true as I started as Director of Development at Camp Wojtyla in 2019…cue the never-ending pursuit of learning how to be nimble and pivot when needed. Attending the Petrus Development Conference and having multiple opportunities to meet other development professionals, priests, and those advancing their missions was critical in aiding me to think outside the box of our organization and get creative with some of our roadblocks. Built into the conference were networking opportunities, small group discussions between other attendees, Mass, and Adoration- allowing time to take in the sessions and prayerfully consider next steps to move forward with strategic efforts at our organization.


One of the most helpful takeaways I found from attending the Petrus Development Conference would be the continuing education on various topics. Once you leave the conference, you’re not on an island by yourself, (whether you’re a client, or not), because you have support and resources to continue to engage with for encouragement, clarity, direction, and advice through Petrus. There are countless opportunities each month to connect with Petrus consultants and industry experts through various outlets. I’ve also stayed in touch with a few attendees I met while at the conference and continue to seek advice or gain a different perspective for those inevitable challenges that tend to arise. 


Because of the various seminar topics, opportunities to network and prayerfully reflect, I left the conference last year feeling more encouraged, convicted, and confident in the direction of the fundraising efforts for our organization. If you’re seeking an opportunity to engage with other Catholics for comradery, engaging discussions, and most importantly, advancing your mission - look no further, this conference is for you! 



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