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Major Gifts Coaching

Engage Transformational Growth for Your Organization

Have Confidence Approaching Major Donor Prospects

Major gifts fundraising is where the art of fundraising comes into play:

  • What is the right approach for this prospect?
  • When should I ask for a gift? How much should I ask for?
  • How do I make the ask?

It can take years to learn the art of building relationships with donors.

Working with a Petrus fundraising coach will shorten the learning curve and increase your return.

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Relational, Not Transactional

The nonprofit organizations making the biggest impact are not raising money with high-effort, low-return activities like bake sales.

They are building relationships with prospects, and asking for major gifts.

Building relationships with donor prospects, and asking them for gifts, will multiply the impact of your mission.

Weekly Check-Ins

Weekly calls with your fundraising coach to answer questions, strategize and prepare for upcoming donor meetings, and debrief on recent donor meetings

In-Person Coaching

Your coach will spend time with you in person at your headquarters or in the field, accompanying you on donor visits, to give you personal feedback and coaching to get the most out of your major gifts fundraising efforts

Course Access

24/7 On-Demand Access to the Petrus BOAT and Annual Manual Courses for your reference on the topics of fundraising fundamentals and annual fund growth

Build your mission and renew the Church

Major Gift Coaching is for ministries wanting to  initiate Moves Management strategies designed to build relationships and inspire radical generosity among their benefactors. 

Access to the Annual Manual virtual course is included as well as regularly scheduled on-site visits by a Petrus Consultant.

Whether you are just starting your development efforts or want to take your program to the next level, Petrus will tailor a sustainable coaching program to fit your needs and maximize your development capacity.

Consultant Site Visits

The number of days spent on-site by your consultant (4, 12, or 24 per year) can be customized in your contract to fit your ministry’s needs.

These visits can take place at your headquarters, or in the field where your consultant will accompany you on donor visits.

During the on-site visits, ministry and development staff are coached in securing appointments, cultivation and solicitation strategies, and stewardship best practices.

Which Petrus Solution is Right for Me?

Would another solution be a better fit for your organization?

Learn more about Basic Online Advancement Training (BOAT) here.

Lean more about the Annual Manual here.

Fr. Ben Hasse

Pastor, St. Albert the Great University Parish at Michigan Tech

"I went from unenthusiastically acknowledging that fundraising was a necessary evil in my work schedule to seeing the possibilities it presented.

[Since beginning Major Gifts Coaching] we've seen very substantial growth in overall giving, total donors, and total number of gifts, and have built relationships with a new advisory council, hundreds of alumni, parents, and other supporters with whom we've had face to face meetings."

Learn More About Major Gifts Coaching

Ready to transform your organization? Learn more about how major gifts coaching can de-mystify the process for your staff.

Fill out the form below and a Petrus fundraising coach will be in touch shortly.