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Simple But Not Easy - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Building a Fundraising Program

In this week's episode of the Petrus Development Show, we continue our Q+A series with Petrus president, Andrew Robison.  Listen as Andrew and Rhen outline the intial steps for beginning a fundraising program.  Yes, we know this is a very quick primer - it's 30 minutes on the best...

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Unveiling the Blueprint: Crafting a Self-Sustaining Fundraising Program in 2024

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Catholic nonprofits are quickly realizing that the future of their ministry relies on building a self-sustaining fundraising program.


In a time of shrinking Catholic demographics, relying on your budget to come from an organization like your diocese...

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The Power of the Monthly Donor - A Petrus Development Show Episode

In this week's episode of the Petrus Development Show, we continue our Q+A series with Petrus president, Andrew Robison.  Listen as Andrew and Rhen discuss the special blessing that monthly donors are for organizations.  To that end, they offer suggestions on how to begin and grow...

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Monthly Donors: The Loyal 99

By Mary Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor


“If a man has a 100 sheep and one of them goes astray,
will he not leave the 99 in the hills and go in search of the stray?”
(Matthew 18:12)


When the shepherd left the 99 sheep to go after the stray, he had confidence that the...

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Phone Calls and Meetings: The Road to Major Gifts - A Petrus Development Show Episode

Here we go again!  We continue our Petrus Development Show Q+A series on important development topics, but we're changing things up this episode.  This week, Rhen interviews Tara Doyon, director of operations and senior consultant at Petrus, and Tara shares about all things major...

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Do I Really Need to Meet Donors Face-to-Face to Raise Money?

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

I'm often asked, “Why would I spend time and money to go meet donors for coffee when I can just send them an email or letter?”


Or, “Wouldn’t it be easier and cheaper to put a little time into grant writing, rather than meeting...

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Stronger Together - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Personality Assessments

Welcome back to the Petrus Development Show!  We continue our Q+A series with Petrus president, Andrew Robison, and this week's discussion is about personality strengths and weaknesses and how those traits affect your fundraising.    



Show Notes: ...

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Donor Databases 101 - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Donor Databases

While we start this episode with a joke, donor databases are a very serious matter.  As you'll learn in this Q+A with Petrus president, Andrew Robison, choosing the right donor database can make a world of difference in your fundraising capabilities.  

(A laugh for your day: ...

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Donor Databases: Can You Ever Make A Change?

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Every so often, it becomes necessary for a nonprofit to abandon their existing donor database system and move to a new one. 


The existing system may be too complicated for staff to use, or perhaps it's not sophisticated enough to keep up with the...

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The Power of a Thank You - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Gift Acknowledgment

We're continuing our Q+A podcast series with Petrus president, Andrew Robison.  In this episode, Andrew and Rhen discuss gift acknowledgment and donor stewardship.  While this may not be the most exciting part of a fundraiser's job, it's essential.  And, you might be...

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Just One Per Day: The Art of Gratitude

By Rhen Hoehn, Director of Marketing

Have you ever had a donor call and thank you for thanking them so well?


Believe it or not, it does happen. It should be your goal to earn one of those calls this year.


Here is one simple, often-overlooked way to make it happen.


Just One...

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Eyes on the Prize - A Petrus Development Show Episode on Goal Setting

And, we're back!  After a Petrus Development Show hiatus, we return with an interview with Petrus president, Andrew Robison.  Andrew and Rhen, Petrus's marketing director, are back with a new episode about goal setting, and it's a good one! 


Listen to "134 - Eyes on the...

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